Debe Bloom Says ‘Words Are Amazing’

10 03 2012

You’ve probably heard that coaches change their niche often throughout their career.  I remember when I was getting my certification that I was told I would metamorphosis constantly and therefore I would constantly be changing my client base.  Little did I know it would be my client base that would be changing my niche.


The interesting thing about coaching is that no matter the client or the fence in their way, the same basic questions are asked.  It takes a skillful coach to be able to reach into their toolbox to find the right inquiry to help their client remove those fences, but none-the-same, basically, the questions are the same if the subject matter is about family life, personnel issues or business in general.


What brought all this up is that I have two contacts I am dealing with currently.  One has had the ill fortune of getting involved with the wrong person on a romantic level.  The heartbreak is monumental.  Getting this person through all the grief of letting go, of looking towards the future and the positive ‘learning spin’ that the relationship had to offer was my goal.  This continues to be a work-in-progress.

The other contact has had to put a quick-growing business aside due to a sudden (but healing) health issue.  Pulling the fundamental issues of health over money is obvious, but it is actually a catch 22; and catch 22’s can be depressing and confusing.

I made contact with both of the people this morning and my first question to both was : How are you today?  I was asking one how the health issues were while I was asking the other how their emotions were.

Same question…different meanings….all leading to Removing their Invisible Fences.  What’s your feelings about this?

Toot! Toot! from the Eyes of Debe Bloom

12 01 2012

Please don’t take this as Tooting my Own Horn, but something marvelous and interesting has been happening for me lately.  Last year I spent my days developing who I am, and being who I’ve become. At the end of the year, the very end, I was bestowed with two very prestigious gifts:
One being awarded the Certified Coach title of 2011 for the Woman Entrepreneur Business Award of Excellence. This was a huge surprise and I’m thrilled to be able to be on the list. This means that there are people out in the world that I have touched in some way; that I have helped make their life and or business better; that I made a difference. What an awesome feeling.
The second year end acknowledgment came to me, also as a surprise, but more like a present. This was something I just wasn’t’ expecting…and it has touched my soul:

So, 2012 is looking—but more importantly, feeling incredibly good for who I have become. Because, in addition to the two honors that came to me at year end, 2012 started off with a huge shout out from yet another person I hold in high esteem.

How nice to know that others acknowledge the value that has been building up within me. How nice to know that they share it with others.

Have you taken a moment to share your positive thoughts about someone who has made an impact on your Life or Business?

Debe Bloom’s Lentils for the New Year…

31 12 2011

Lentils for the New Year…

Yesterday, I received a call from a childhood friend, one who I was able to reconnect with after decades of not being able to locate her (Thank you Social Media!!).  We hadn’t talked in a few weeks and it was a great chance to catch up on the latest; our travels, the people in our lives and our plans for the new year.

Just before what I thought was the end of our call, my friend said “make a pot of lentil soup and eat it right before the clock strikes midnight on New Years’ eve; it will bring you incredible financial luck in 2012.  And then, Deb, you can buy additional homes in the Wine Country (of California) and in the (San Francisco) Bay area.  You deserve so much, including homes in these places where you’d like to live.”

I was so touched by these words.  And I couldn’t just let them sit and percolate because I know the truth. And I shared this with her:

I know that I have my health; that I have my family and my family of friends.  I know that I wallow with passion in the coaching arena.  And the people I’ve met in my networking world are beyond top-notch.  I have a roof over my head and I can breathe fresh air.  My car isn’t the latest model, but it serves me well.  I have hobbies of photography and I’m able to play with my g-daughters (although I still have a bit of a problem realizing that I’m a g-ma—prefer being a Nonee!).  My husband treats me so good with love and adoration and my four-legged companion is by far a good friend, even though she is a persnickety Pekingese.

I allow myself the room to make errors as long as I learn from them….and I keep my mind open at all times to learn from others.  I have enthusiasm for life, for sharing and for exploring.

I then shared with my long-time childhood friend what another friend just told me earlier that day:  If you have 5 people that you can count on, for no matter what reason, be it family members or friends, you have everything.

I can honestly say, I am one very lucky, very blessed and feeling very complete person.  And I can also say that I will be making a pot of lentil soup to welcome the New Year…because it just sounds good.  Will you be joining me?

It’s Thanksgiving Time & I’ve Gone Blank…!

22 11 2011

Well, that’s not necessarily true. I haven’t blogged in a while because I thought I hadn’t had anything of value to share. When I sit down at my computer, my mind would just whirl with a matrix of thoughts, none that made any sense to me. However, when I was away from my posting apparatus, fabulous thoughts would swirl—usually in the shower (how many times has that happened to you??)
My thoughts are still whirling. There’s a lot going on in my mind. The upcoming Thanksgiving holiday has me thinking about when to put the turkey in the oven; how to arrange the tables to sit 17 comfortably; will the dog need to be bathed on the day of, who’s going to wash my car for me today before my appointment at noon…and on and on.
Thanksgiving is such a warm celebration of the founding of our country; of family, friends, the harvest and having a bounty of food to share with all. The sound of having people I care about in my home warms my soul. It is because of that, and because families are constantly changing and growing, that our Thursday Thanksgiving celebration will be held on the day after, on Friday.
When the realization that celebrating on Thursday would have a table setting only for five, and all the efforts of making a memorable meal would be the same as if for 20, I asked my husband what his thoughts were if we were to move our celebration to the next day. His immediate response was “Thanksgiving is on a Thursday!” Naturally, after I explained to him that our home would be filled with so many more on Friday, he agreed.
However, the most prevalent thought lingers: “will Thanksgiving still feel like Thanksgiving if we are celebrating it on Friday, rather than Thursday?” What’s your thought?

Dealing with a Loss: Gaining Self

7 10 2011

One of the things we both know is that every person is different. We each have our own tickle spots, and our own crying triggers. We each deal with stress in different ways and certainly, we each deal with our own grief in different ways. So what works for you, in the time frame that is best for you, may not work for me.

That being said, there are many who do work on the same level, do cry for the same reasons, do move forward at the same time.

I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t compare your personal story to that of others; don’t look to someone else’s healing as if the same exact process will be working for you.  Walk in the faith, however, that you will proceed in life and your life is going to be excellent.

Realize that the process has already started since you were able to empower yourself just by reaching out to learn more of who you are, where you can be going.

Each of us need to realize that we are in and of ourselves wonderful individuals with a lot to offer society. We stand for ourselves.  We each are stronger than any loss—no matter if it be someone we love, a house, a job, a relationship. We each bear the strength within to overcome any situation.  It’s up to us to allow that strength to come forward.

Have you tapped into your inner strength to Remove Your Invisible Fence©?

Networking with Debe Bloom Certified Life Coach

15 09 2011

If you’re a subscriber to my blog, you may have read in the past that I do a fair amount of networking. I also do a fair amount of learning about social networking. My social networking coach thought I should post the following ‘after meeting’ email as an example of what real networking can offer. 

There’s nothing that warms me more than having my home filled with inspiring business women who “get it”…we are in a world that demands so much from women…and it’s obvious the we each appreciate that.  As I mentioned at the meeting yesterday, even if you cannot use the products or services that were represented at the Heart Link meeting, please keep each on your mind as you are out in your own business or personal arenas; that networking will help others grow in their business and you will become more appreciated on both sides…

We all know how hard it is to get ‘going in business’. Special kudos to Rachel Shur for creating for cancer survivors.  Please consider making a donation to this organization and let’s pray that the survivor list grows.

I want to thank Carol Gerke of Pampered Chef for adding to our menu with her 11 minute carrot cake—it could have been served in the beautiful PC casserole dish it was made in—something that will be an added plus for the quickly approaching holidays.

Speaking of holidays, do you have your wardrobe ready? Do you even know what’s going to look good on you? Taking a workshop with JuliAnn Stitick would be another excellent plus, using that knowledge with Tracy Phillips of the KikaPaprika line, and then you can compliment your new outfit(s) with our Spotlighted attendee’s (Rhonda Foley) line of Cookie Lee jewelry.  And don’t forget our own Bag Lady, Mimi Crandall, to put the finishing touch on your outfit.  A quick visit to Patti Stockwell for a fresh’n up on your hairdo and walla: looking good and knowin’ it! Now that you’re all ‘dolled up’, capturing your beauty in a portrait is next: contact Bonnie Mercadante of Softouch Photo, so you can use Send Out Cards for your annual holiday greetings—Melinda Madrigal can help.

Oh boy…then it’s gift giving thoughts.  Nina Rubin brought some very clever art pieces from Electics824 that are very unique. And Beth Johnson (although she wasn’t able to attend because of back issues) has an easy way to get Wine at Home. That would save some time at the Mall…and carrying packages to your car, which can be dangerous; but not if you’re prepared with Teri McDuffie’s Women’s Self Defense course!

Don’t forget you’ll need to make sure your banking is correct without the worry of overdraft; Joan Roberts of Bookkeeping Plus to the rescue!  And that your home is clean and inviting: Call Norma Fonseca for Melaluca!  And, oh my goodness, what are you going to serve? Dream Dinners can certainly help you before, during and after; Lisa Corbett will help guide you. What better way to treat yourself to a well-earned rest but on a worry-free cruise? Ferne Ross of Free Spirit Cruise Vacations can put together a memorable package; no worries!

Speaking of no worries…how nice that would be. Money is always a stressor. If your business is in need of a makeover and you need immediate cash, Marsha Allen of Merchants Rewards Network has some solutions. If you have equity in your home, or you’re in the market for a new home, think of teaming up with RoseAnn Hill of ReMax and Dianne DeWinter of Capital Mortgage Services—talk about impressive!

If you know your business needs a boost, and you’re afraid of the advantage of free marketing online, Laurie Hurley offers a way thru it with Social Networking Coaching Club.

But, if you’re afraid of moving forward in business, in your personal life—if you have any kind of obstacle…it’s time to call me for a complimentary coaching session.  To be honest, the coaching experience is very powerful and I am getting busier and busier. As a result, I have to limit my no-obligation sessions to 20 minutes now.  Take a moment now to call me and book your appointment.

And since you have your calendar out, make a note for the October 10th Oxnard Shores Heart Link meeting.  More information on that in future emails as well as the Joint effort Event, November 1st

Looking forward…..

MY Personal Best

1 09 2011

I know you’ve had mornings like mine…when you wake up and all you want to do is lounge around in your pajamas…enjoying another cup of coffee and wallowing in the fact that you do have the choice, no matter if you are a entrepreneur or you work for someone else. could put on your workout clothes, socks ‘n sneakers and head out for your morning exercise.

How many times have you had to really push yourself to get moving?  My morning, this morning, was just like that.  I had to push myself.  So, without further thinking, I dressed in my sweat clothes and put on my exercise shoes, grabbed my iPhone that banks some fast paced music and I headed out.  Why?  Because I’ve set a goal for myself.  You see,  I’ve pulled out my Life Coaching ‘toolbox’ and applied what I know, what I share with others, to myself.

Today, I thought, I would add another long city block, another 1,000 steps to my walking routine.  I’ve been thinking about increasing my walking goal for a few days now and today was the day.  Besides, a change of routine is always welcome.

Needless to say, I accomplished that mini goal.  In hindsight, it was easy.  More importantly, it was gratifying and exuberating .  Had I not been able to finish what I set out to do, I would have learned a little more about my physical self.  But what is truly amazing, is that I learned a lot more about my personal being.

I attribute this mini success to two things: what I know as a Life Coach and my weight loss accomplishments that help keep me active.

Are you able to succeed with goals you set for yourself, no matter how big or small?