Dealing with a Loss: Gaining Self

7 10 2011

One of the things we both know is that every person is different. We each have our own tickle spots, and our own crying triggers. We each deal with stress in different ways and certainly, we each deal with our own grief in different ways. So what works for you, in the time frame that is best for you, may not work for me.

That being said, there are many who do work on the same level, do cry for the same reasons, do move forward at the same time.

I guess what I’m trying to say is don’t compare your personal story to that of others; don’t look to someone else’s healing as if the same exact process will be working for you.  Walk in the faith, however, that you will proceed in life and your life is going to be excellent.

Realize that the process has already started since you were able to empower yourself just by reaching out to learn more of who you are, where you can be going.

Each of us need to realize that we are in and of ourselves wonderful individuals with a lot to offer society. We stand for ourselves.  We each are stronger than any loss—no matter if it be someone we love, a house, a job, a relationship. We each bear the strength within to overcome any situation.  It’s up to us to allow that strength to come forward.

Have you tapped into your inner strength to Remove Your Invisible Fence©?