Debe Bloom Coming From Within

17 03 2012

I just got home from a networking event that I co-hosted with a social networking coach.  I love doing these networking events; being in a room with dynamic, energetic, savvy women is an amazing experience.  Working with my ‘partner in crime’ is always fun…and it allows our creative juices to flow.

We take serious time to plan our agenda and make sure that the time invested is from our attendees is well worth their efforts of being in audience.  And our agenda runs tight to the clock to be considerate of everyone’s business schedules.


Part of  the agenda is a ‘commercial’, a speech, a ‘tell us who you are’ portion.  The women have anywhere from 90 seconds to 2 minutes that they can call their own, with the microphone in hand.  I had prepared a very poppie, power-word speech that capitalized on my last name.  Being spring (and the focus of our event), I wanted to put my last name into play.  Worlds like…Bunny, babies and Bloom!  Or Bond, Band, and Boost!  But when it was my turn up at the mic, I just couldn’t be ‘that’ person.  I am NOT Sascha.  I AM Debe.  Coaching is NOT a cookie-cutter service…it IS personal, unique and totally about my client.

That became my speech…who I am and what I do sans all the punch words.  And I learned something so powerful today:  Be who you are, from deep within.  Don’t do what others think you should do:  Do what you know you should do.  That’s the real punch!

What have you discovered recently that shows you know who you really are?



2 responses

17 03 2012
Jodi Behn

Debe, that is a challenge for me with every client. I have to be who I am, because it’s in my authenticity that I help others be themselves and become who they want to be. As a younger person I certainly tried to be who others wanted me to be, or who I thought I should be, but I see that now all I want to be is “me”… thanks for sharing.

17 03 2012
Debe Bloom

Makes me think of that saying…”If I only knew then what I know now…”. I love the process of maturity…certainly has opened my eyes to being real to the very most important person first, which others I come in contact with benefit from. Glad to have your comment, Jodi.

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